How to Dress for Success for a Job Interview


At a Job Interview, the first impression you make on a potential employer is usually the most important one.  It’s human nature to judge people by how they look, and most people make a determination about what type of person you are within minutes of meeting you.  If that impression is positive, then you are off to a great start.  If it’s negative, you will then need to work twice as hard to convince your interviewer otherwise.  That’s why it’s so important to dress professionally for a job interview, even if the work environment is casual.  If your overdressed for an interview, it gives the impression that you will go over and above for your employer.  Under dressing sends the opposite message, which is not the impression you ever want to make.

Even if your have no fashion sense at all, there are a few basic rules to follow.  Of course, make sure your clothes are clean and wrinkle free, as well as the correct size.  Even the nicest attire can give the wrong impression if it doesn’t fit correctly.  So if the outfit you’ve chosen for your interview is a few years old, it might be time to reassess your choice.  Oversized clothes can be taken in, but if your clothes are too tight, your far better off wearing something else than trying to squeeze into an outfit that is two sizes too small, no matter how much you love it.

In general, it’s better to be conservative than to make a fashion statement with your clothing during an interview.  That means conservative colors, limited jewelry, light makeup, perfume, or cologne.  A neat, professional hair style, well manicured nails and of course a portfolio or a briefcase, even if you have nothing to put in it!

What not to bring to a Job Interview:
Gum or candy
Coffee or a soda
Any form of mp3 player or other device
A cell phone unless it is completely muted or shut down entirely
Excessive jewelry (Any piercings other than earrings should be removed)
Cover any visible tattoos whenever possible

Other Job Interview Tips:
Bring a breath mint!  No matter how clean you may think your mouth is, it is always better to be safe than sorry.  More often than not, your breath is not as clean as you think it is.
Polish your shoes
Lay out the clothes you have selected for your job interview the night before, so that you aren’t rushing the day of the interview to find what to wear.

And finally, take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself; ‘would I hire me?’ Pay close attention to every detail of the outfit that you wear to your job interview. If you can wear it out to a night club, don’t wear it to your Job Interview.