Find a Job You Will Love

The biggest mistake that most people make is taking the first job that they find, or choosing a job based on what they feel they should do, rather than what they love to do.  This mistake can haunt you for the rest of your life, and correcting this mistake can be one of the most important things you can ever do.

Take a moment and think to yourself:  Do I really want to do what I’m doing for the rest of my life? If your unsure, or even worse, if the answer is a resounding “NO!”, then it is absolutely imperative that you take the time to figure out exactly what you would like to do in your career.

Simply being good at something isn’t a reason to do it for a living.  If you hate your job, then you won’t do it to the best of your ability, which will make it harder to succeed.  Finding a career that you love isn’t an  easy thing to do, but it’s not impossible.  First, figure out what you love most.  If it’s playing baseball, then it probably isn’t in the cards for most of us to be a professional baseball player, but it’s certainly possible to find a job that is involved with baseball.  Maybe you could work at your local baseball stadium, or possibly become an umpire.  There is always reporting on baseball, or working at a site that covers your local team.  The truth is, there are thousands of jobs that involve your passion, even if it isn’t your dream job – it will probably be much more fulfilling than your current job.  And doing a job that you love will almost always lead to working harder, and being a better worker – which can lead to better career advancement, and ultimately – being happier.

And if your going to spend the next 40 years of your life doing something, why not do a job that you love?